Residential Steel buildings
Whether you are looking for a strong, economical, and customizable steel building to turn into a home, or a shop or garage to complement your home, QuickSteel Buildings offer a wide range of options to choose from.

Residential Steel Building Kit
QuickSteel can construct it, whether you’re thinking of a tiny garage, an elaborate workshop, or a custom home. Our variety of residential steel buildings enables us to work with you now and in the future on any of your construction projects. Our clear-span construction offers flexibility to regulate your building’s flow through an open floor plan, making it the perfect fit for any and all of your requirements. Whether it’s your first construction project or your fifth, QuickSteel Buildings can assist you through the completion of your building from the planning phases to ensure a good construction project.
QuickSteel Integrity
All elements of a QuickSteel residential metal construction are tailored to suit your requirements from the base to the ceiling. To maximize the power and integrity of QuickSteel’s building system, each element used is optimally intended, tested, produced and built. We will also examine your individual requirements to ensure that your housing pole construction is designed to withstand the loads that you will need to perform throughout your lives. QuickSteel provides unrivaled guarantees including a 50-year snow guarantee with no weight limit, a5-year wind guarantee with no speed limit, and a 35-year paint guarantee. In post-frame structures, QuickSteel is the undisputed leader. QuickSteel leaves totally no detail to opportunity from the lowest fastener to the overhead trusses.
QuickSteel has a housing pole construction for every budget regardless of building size or use and can work with you on a broad variety of projects. Get a quote today on a residential project.